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e.c.s. blog

so we all know about those fitness plans "abs in 30 days" or "summer body in 30 days"

but what if you could apply the same concept about your ENERGY rather than just your physical body to shift your life..

listen I've been there countless times.. you don't do one of those programs unless you want to shift some aspect of your life and most likely it is not just because you want the abs. it is because you want how you think you will FEEL with those abs or maybe you will think it will help how others see you

regardless, you want a SHIFT.

but what if i told you there is another way of making a shift.

this way is through ENERGY.

this energy upgrade will deeply shift you down to the cellular DNA level using energetic transmissions of light language and mindset shifts.

xx Erica

do you travel to travel or travel to learn and grow? you'd think that it is one in the same but the truth is its not! we can vacation...experience something new then forget all about it when we come back to "regular life" how do you bring in your experiences to make it worth while?

you reflect. you digest. you apply.

and some would say this is what integration is. you can decide if you want to use that word or not though.

these are the major themes i've decided are the biggest take aways i have from my life abroad the last 10 months:

1. BALI: dance + party + fun +joy + music + sex = let life be PLAYFUL. like for f*cks sake stop being so serious about making big and small decisions. think of ideas and decisions as cotton candy lol. bottom line, make life fun again

2. INDIA: structure + consistency + discipline + breath + prana + what the actual F*CK + cows are epic + ashram = keep your personal structure to maintain you energy flow. remember shit can go sideways & humor will save you. remember what people teach you doesn't have to be your truth.

3. NEPAL: follow the hunches + trust the intuition over the thinking brain + feelings + connection + stillness = for the love of god keep following your intuition, it will lead you to magical things. feeling deeply doesn't mean it's meant to be longterm. hiking mountains are good for the spirit & the body.

4. THAILAND: it is okay to release the old you + a new decade = permission to do it your way, to do it an alternative way, to remember we can live many lifetimes in this one lifetime. have a funeral for your old self.

5. VIETNAM: rest + warm food + nurture + recharge = listening to what your body & soul needs will go along way. learn about living with your cycle. rest when you need to rest. push when you feel you can push.

6. BALI TAKE TWO: muay thai + sunsets +sweat + family + coconuts + move body = being able to move your body is a privilege, remember it as such. having a relationship with family is a privilege, honor it as such. look at the sun early morning, throughout the day, and at night - you are a being that needs light.

7. AUSTRALIA: sunrise + salty swims +love + inner connection + feeling of home + red dirt + story telling + early mornings = when you believe in magic, more magic comes your way. it is okay to tell friends you love them. waking up early feels good. you have an important story to tell, you are living it, remember to share it.

these are lessons & take aways from my travels that i plan on applying to my life moving forward... which one resonates with you the most??

xx erica

I’ve been traveling across Asia for the last 6 months and this is what I've learned..

  • Home is within you

  • New surroundings regardless if it is a new country will push you out of your comfort zone therefore catapulting you into further growth

  • You inner guidance will always lead the way

  • Breathe deeper & more often

  • Trust & embrace the life - death - life cycle

  • Go outside when you having a good day and a bad day

  • You will find happiness in the smallest of things

  • Always treat yourself to a good latte

  • Talk to people - through others you will better get to know yourself

  • Flowing without a plan is kinda still having a plan lol

  • The things you think are hard are not actually hard at all

  • Give wayyyyy less f*cks - especially about what ppl think of you

  • Meditate more - you will thank yourself for this one

  • Get to know your mind all ways you can but first, start with journaling

xx Erica

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