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e.c.s. blog

Your inner child...yes you have an inner child. Actually you have several inner children. These are versions of you from your childhood in this life time and even in other lifetimes.

We are connected on all levels with the cosmos when we are kids and slowly as we grow up we grow out of this. This can be due to so many factors of being discounted from adult figures of what you saw or felt as a kid, trying not to be weird or fitting in, or ignoring how you felt to meet societies pressures...

On top of this your subconscious mind is literally built when you were a kid up til your 7 years old. Every lesson, thing your parent told you, error you think you made, feeling you felt was all downloaded into your subconscious mind which is now running your adult brain right now.

Unlocking your inner child & subconscious rewiring work go hand. You work with both aspects to begin to unlearn what you learned growing up and remove any program that is running the show in the background that is not serving you..

This is one aspect in my expansion sessions I always make sure I hit for this reason. I check in with your inner children to see at what age did you not feel seen, heard, or loved. What age did you have a traumatic event that changed how you saw life. We may forget all about our childhood or about events that occurred consciously but our subconscious never forgets.

I invite you to have a session with me to check out your inner children & tune up your subconscious mind so it is working for you instead of against you. That being said, you don't need me to tune into your own inner children. After all we all have the power within ourselves to heal, clear, tune in, receive guidance, and connect. You can tune into your inner children on your own and here is how:
  1. Start by gathering a few supplies & set up your space

  2. You will need paper and pen to write with & a quite space you can reflect a minimum of 20 minutes

  3. Get into a meditative state, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Begin to think about your childhood. Pay attention to the first memory or age that pops up for you. Embrace it, don't judge it, and start to explore why this memory/age came up.

  4. Take a 5-10 minutes to write out this memory in an autonomic way. Again, don't judge what comes up or worry about spelling. Just write.

  5. You can explore this even deeper with reflecting with photos of yourself at that age to look at

  6. After you reviewed the memory, ask yourself at that age, "what do you want to tell me? what do you need?"

  7. Respond to yourself and LISTEN. It is important to give time, space, and energy to the response and give yourself what you are asking for

  8. This begins the process of re-parenting which in turns re-programing your subconscious.

For an example, when doing this activity on myself and tuning into my own inner children I focused on myself at 8 years old. The huge pattern I had to give space to was the feeling of "doing something wrong." I allowed myself to reflect on memories I had that first cemented this belief that I was doing something wrong if I disappointed someone. This effected my life as an adult with the tendency of people pleasing. Doing things that I didn't really want to do out of fear of being wrong.

After realizing this, I unlocked this new belief within myself...

The only person I have to please is myself.

When you give time and space to your inner child you allow space to reflect within yourself. Why are you the way you are? Can you change that? Can you install a new belief?

Save this post so you can come back to it to do your inner child healing. Message me or tag me in your inner child healing on IG @erica.eternalexpansion

xx Erica

At the beginning of my #spiritualawakening I remember feeling so stressed about how to move forward with the information I was learning and trying to decipher what was "good" or "bad"...alcohol, fluoride in the water, chemical trials, organic foods, processed foods, eating meat, vegan...the decisions and opinions are endless.

And then I started to learn..

Your a multidimensional being... okay cook but I am only aware of this life on Earth right now.

Your are more energy than matter... cool but my body seems pretty solid.

You need to raise your vibration... so I can only eat the organic, non gmo, no processed foods and eliminate everything that is "low vibe?"

I would look externally for information on what to do, what to eat, what to drink, what to not drink, what to practice, how to get the idea. I was driving myself #crazy

I had to stay STOP to it all. I had a moment were I wanted to regress and unlearn what I was learning because it felt like too much to handle at the moment. And so many people were saying different things. Like can we all get on the same page please???

It wasn't until this point were I started to turn inward to my internal guidance and remind myself I have my own internal compass that I get to use to discern...and you do too!!

Below are my own realizations through this process so take what resonates and leave what doesn't!

#1 You don't need to go by someone else's life choices & make them your own. You get to decide what is right for you. And who has the right to tell you what is right are wrong?

#2 Intention over everything. What is your intention behind the action of the food, drink, or act...when you have clear intentions to why you are doing something that alone can shift the whole vibration of the experience.

#3 We are here to PLAY. Don't take ascension & waking up so seriously. You will never know everything, there will be missing pieces, trust what you know is what you know is all that you need to know at this time. Take it from someone who dove head first into trying to decode the matrix in a late night research hole nights on end. I do not recommend hahahha. It is a continuous process of awakening of'll never be done "waking up" so play, have fun, stay in joy as long as you can and the ascension will happen along the way.

#4 Explore different types of modalities, routines, and mentors. Explore what is exciting to you and follow those nudges that are coming from within. Most likely you have codes & expansion waiting for you in the things you find most interesting. There is a spark there for a reason. Follow it!

#5 Meditate. Like just do it. And do it daily for 30 minutes at min

xx Erica

Who knew allowing yourself to follow what makes you happy effects not just yourself but EVERYTHING & EVERYONE around you...

It's the most selfless thing you can do... prioritizing your healing, joy, expansion, & happiness.

Healing the Future & the Past

Healing happens in all timelines simultaneously. When you heal today you are healing the past, present, and future.

The act of healing your own personal traumas, limiting beliefs, rewiring your brain, choosing better habits, learning to forgive yourself and others...doesn't just heal yourself in this current life, you are doing the healing work for your past ancestors. You see time is all happening now which means that what we perceive as the past, present, and future is all happening at the same time- right now. So if you are healing your present self you are healing your past and future simultaneously for yourself & for your family.

Following Your JOY

When you remove the phrase..."I should be happy because x, y, z.." you are able to take a deeper look into what your soul truly enjoys. Your joy can look very different to another persons joy. Neither is right/wrong/better. It just is. Listen to the gut impulses where you find excitement, where your inner being feels lit up or excited. Follow that feeling and keep doing those things that bring that feeling! This is your soul speaking to you. When we feel passion or excitement around something that is a signal to you that this is an important part of your path, mission, & reason for being here on Earth at this time.

Eternal Expansion

Be bold, dare to do something new, and tell your story.

Expansion happens in many ways. When you meet yourself at your edges of were you normally stop yourself in business, life, travel, relationships, showing up, or any other aspect of your life that is expansion. It doesn't always feel great and is definitely not easy, but that is the place we expand!

You Deserve True Happiness

You don't need to live in the shadows of some one else's happy or dream. If is not yours its not yours. Sometimes we do things out of pleasing others- spouse, parents, friends, or kids. And if someone is telling you "I'd kill to have your life!!" and you still don't LOVE it...that doesn't mean you are in the wrong for not wanting it! Now is the time to follow the alignment of your life that brings you true happiness, joy, passion, and a lust for life.

If my life isn't DAZZLING me...I don't want it.

xx Erica

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