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e.c.s. blog

There came a time where i was just sick of my own shit

Sick of my patterns

Sick of my negative thoughts

Sick of my limiting beliefs

Sick of my self sabotaging behaviors

You see - this is when i see real change within myself & others

When you work with me I'm like your own personal tactical team that comes in & takes care of those problems - let me get straight with you - I'm not going to solve these problems for you but I will mirror them to you & show you how to redirect, eliminate, & reprogram yourself.

Do you need me? No. You can do this yourself.

Will it be easier & faster with me? You are damn right it will be.

Will it be work? Yes.

WIll it be fun? FVCK YEAH

I will go to the depths within me to help you just as I have gone to the depths to help myself. It's a process I know to work bc i've done it over and over and over…and i will continue to repeat this bc that is what life is

What is the process?

  1. Eliminate

  2. Energy upgrade

  3. Take charge

  4. Become

I am always somewhere in this process. The problem is when you don’t begin the process at all.. You stay put & accept what is.

So what are you waiting for?

xx Erica

Learn more about working with me here.

Lost, scattered, unenthused.. Life just felt fvcked..

This has happened to me over and over again as i got closer and closer to my soul mission & more comfortable being my true soul essence

The first big crisis I had was when I was living in NYC in 2019 stressed, disconnected, developed cystic acne, drinking every weekend, high in debt, in a relationship that wasn’t right for me, and just like not happy..

I'm not going to lie, it was a really hard time for me. On paper it looked like things were going right - hell it probably looked like I was having the time of my life in the city but if you looked close enough you could tell i was struggling HARD.

Fast forward a year, I started my journey of alternative modalities and what felt like awakening after awakening…

I ended up buying a house with my sister, renovating it, then selling it to once again recalibrate to the direction I wanted in life.

Since then I’ve been traveling the world on what i have called “my personal world tour” around the country exploring, learning, getting quite, meeting new people, & learning how to be ME - in my own energy, creating my mindset the way i want & living from a place of listening to my intuitive guidance while giving less fvcks about what i “think” i should do or be..

It took a lot of pain, struggle, and winding roads to get me where I am but I wouldn't change it for the world.. The journey continues to show me more of what i didn't want in life and directed me to more of what i do want

After all that is what we do when we continue to shift directions to the path that is for us..

I realized the things that looked good on paper were actually eating away at my soul.. So they had to go

The first step to gaining any kind of momentum in my life was to ELIMINATE things from my life. Its like i needed a paint stripper before i could pick out a new color of paint

The first step to take when your life feels fvcked is to see what needs to go.

What is going wrong? What doesn't feel right?

Start there.

And then list steps you need to take in order to eliminate it from your life.

xx Erica

Need help taking this first step or ready to spice your life up with me? Come work with me 1:1 in my Spice IT UP Mastery Mentorship where we get down & dirty to transform your life in 4 powerful steps. Read more about it here.

there is a lot of energy & information around how to level up, how to raise your vibration of your frequency & even how to unlock into another timeline...

these all sound like new things but the truth is you have been doing all of these things already. now, you are just aware of them & can now lead with more intention towards these items.

there is nothing new here. nothing to be scared of - just an elevated level of awareness.

its like we were always looking at the picture but our view was zoomed in on just the it is zooming out to see more and more of the picture.

anything that makes you feel good or provides you with an alternative perspective or even broadens your thought process is helping you do all of the above. this can look like going for a walk, hugging a tree, stop drinking, saying i love you to someone, traveling to experience a new place...

unlocking into another "timeline" is simply upgrading the way you think, feel, & show up for yourself.

the more you ground into the simple acts & staying present - you will realize there is nothing fancy to be done here.

you are already a high frequency being - it is the process of uncovering & remembering this truth.

ive gone through this process of thinking that everything was so hard to obtain or information that was outside of myself. i searched for all of the knowledge and opinions. i wanted to know how everyone ELSE was doing it.

this is a trap that i fell into that caused me a lot of suffering, continue to feeling lost, & feeling like i wasn't enough. it wasn't until i worked with a mentor that led me back to myself when i was realizing i was giving everything outside of myself control. she did not tell me what was up or down but rather guided me to my own inner truth.

& that is what i hope to do for you. through my teachings, writings, & experience. to show you yes we need community & guides & mentors but we need them in a way that will help us remember how powerful we are on own own. to help us peal back the layers & drop the dead weight we collected over the years of following the rules, people pleasing, society trappings, etc.

use this piece of information to check in with your own inner guidance. what do you need right now? how can you meet yourself more honestly today? what is one thing you can do that makes you feel good? - and can you find time to do that today?

xx Erica

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